Monday, May 30, 2016

DTI employees undergo small business counselling course

The DTI-Human Resource and Administrative Services (DTI-HRAS) in partnership with the University of the Philippines Institute for Small-Scale Industries (UP-ISSI) conducted a Small Business Counselors’ Course (SBCC) on May 23 to 27, 2016.

The five-day training program intends to enhance the competence and confidence of DTI’s regional staff as potential counselors to provide administrative as well as technical assistance to MSME clients and develop them into well-rounded DTI employees.

The course’s final output was the accomplishment of an Enterprise Assessment Plan (EAP), giving the participants a hands-on experience in assessing organizational performance of an enterprise in the four areas of management.

The EAP will benefit the enterprise being studied as participants reviewed its performance and come up with recommendations to improve the productivity and efficiency from marketing, production or operations, organization and human resource and personnel, and financial aspect.

The course capacitates the counselors a perspective on problem solving, diagnosing, strategizing and critiquing of output. The introduction of the course to employees was in line with the continuous establishment of Negosyo Centers (NCs), as embodied in the Go Negosyo Act.

The NCs serve as the seat of promotion for the growth of MSMEs to generate more job opportunities in the country and facilitate the access of MSMEs in capacity building programs, technology transfer, production and management training as well as marketing assistance.

The participants composed of DTI employees from the Regional Office, and provincial offices.

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